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Latest news on GMO food, GMO crops, GMO labelling and genetically modified organisms
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GMO deregulation threatens breeders, farmers, and the organic …
3 days ago · Over 200 environmental and farmer groups warn that Poland's deregulation proposal ignores critical questions. European countries must protect farmers, small- and medium-sized seed breeders, and the organic and GM-free sectors from threats to their business posed by the deregulation of new genetically modified organisms (GMOs), warns Greenpeace and more than 200 other organisations, including ...
About GMWatch
GMWatch provides the public with the latest news and comment on genetically modified (GMO) foods and crops and their associated pesticides. GMWatch is an independent organisation that seeks to counter the enormous corporate political power and propaganda of the GMO industry and its supporters. It d
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Latest news on GMO food, GMO crops, GMO labelling and genetically modified organisms
GM Myth Makers
LobbyWatch provides an A-Z of the people and groups involved in the push for GMOs and their associated pesticides. As well as thumbnail sketches of the different individuals and organisations, it includes links to profiles, articles etc. for more detailed information about them.
The key scientific evidence on GM crops
Feb 24, 2010 · NOTE: Check out this excellent summary of the key scientific evidence, drawing on 114 different studies plus other authoritative documents, on the risks of GM crops and the many safer alternatives.
As GM purple tomato goes on sale to home gardeners in US, …
Feb 19, 2024 · No proof of health benefit claims, no evidence of food safety. Report: Claire Robinson. Recently NPR ran a story reporting that the GM purple tomato, genetically engineered with genes from snapdragons to contain high levels of the antioxidant anthocyanin, is now on sale to home gardeners in the US. But there are lingering doubts about whether it's safe to eat – and that even applies to the ...