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The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children. Explore our comprehensive resources, evidence-based guidelines, and expert insights on pediatric care.
About the AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
The AAP was founded in 1930 by 35 pediatricians to serve as an independent forum to address children's health needs. At that time, the idea that children had unique developmental and health needs was new.
American Academy of Pediatrics
AAP Policy brings together a constellation of policy documents from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statements, Clinical Reports, Clinical Practice Guidelines, and Technical Reports are now in one location.
PediaLink®: AAP Education — Where Knowledge Thrives
Experience World-Class Pediatric Education at the AAP National Conference and Exhibition. Online Courses Meeting your learning needs at every stage of your career.
Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics
Latest AAP Policy Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule: United States, 2025: Policy Statement Environmental Issues in Global Pediatric Health: Policy Statement
Join the AAP - American Academy of Pediatrics
Medical students, residents, and fellowship trainees have membership options catered to your specific needs and stage of training. Learn, connect, and launch your career with membership in the AAP.
AAP News - American Academy of Pediatrics
AAP achieves myriad child health victories over past 4 years. AAP advocates in a changing Washington, D.C. AAP sees opportunities for firearm violence prevention advocacy in lame duck period. AAP weighing in on Supreme Court cases impacting child health
Patient Care - American Academy of Pediatrics
Whether you are providing routine preventive services, anticipatory guidance or acute care, or are simply looking for evidence-based AAP policy recommendations on a wide variety of health topics, our A-to-Z Patient Care topic pages are here to help.
Advocacy - American Academy of Pediatrics
This AAP report covers the latest federal and state advocacy activities impacting child health (AAP login required).
Clinical Practice Guidelines - American Academy of Pediatrics
Aug 5, 2022 · Reaffirmation of AAP Clinical Practice Guideline: The Diagnosis and Management of the Initial Urinary Tract Infection in Febrile Infants and Young Children 2–24 Months of Age