orbit - Distribution of satellites by inclination - Space Exploration ...
Jan 19, 2019 · I work with Earth observation myself, where many satellites are Sun-synchronous with an inclination of around 98°, or Geostationary with an inclination of near 0°. Other orbits exist but are uncommon. Communication satellites also exist as either equatorial (such as satellite TV) or with a high inclination (such as the Iridium constellation).
communication satellite - Why 53º orbits for Starlink? - Space ...
Mar 9, 2021 · The idea is that inclined orbits spend most of their time above latitudes that are near their inclination. Let's say you can talk with a Starlink satellite as long as it's 30° above the horizon. A 60° degree half-angle cone from a satellite 400 km above the Earth has a radius of 700 km, which is about +/- 6° in latitude.
orbital mechanics - Inclination maneuvers for GEO satellites
Oct 17, 2019 · If i read your quote correctly, it doesn't state that a burn at the inertial y-axis is cheaper than a burn at the LON, but it explains that your satellite will encounter an acceleration towards north at +y and south at -y, so your LON will in fact line up with the y-axis after a while because of the inclination change due to this perturbation, so it's still cheapest to correct your …
How to calculate Orbital Inclination knowing the launch azimuth …
Aug 8, 2016 · So in your example, the inclination would be equal to: $$ \arccos(\cos(30.56)*\sin(123)) = 43.77\deg $$ To simplify the calculation, I assumed that your given azimuth was an inertial one. The calculations that take into account the rotation of the Earth and what the compass onboard would measure as the azimuth are in the link above.
geostationary - Inclination and latitude of GEO satellite - Space ...
Feb 3, 2020 · My satellite inclination is almost zero, but the latitude that I got was almost 0.1. In my mind, the latitude is should be near zero when the inclination is zero, but as I explain above, I got different.
Satellite inclination, 3D scanning of earth's surface
Sep 5, 2020 · $\begingroup$ On further thinking, I think I need to clarify, that I understand inclination to be the angle between earth's equatorial plane, and the orbital plane of the satellite. In case "shifting" of the orbital plane - parallel to equatorial plane is also means changing the inclination, then your point about fuel consumption is equally ...
What is satellite inclination calculated relative to?
Apr 13, 2017 · Considering Earth's axial tilt is 23.4°, it's a significant difference - is the inclination calculated relative to the plane of ecliptic, or relative to Earth's global coordinates? Considering the sun-synchronous satellites travel at inclination of 98 degrees I'm inclined (pun unintended) to believe it's the former but I prefer to ask in case ...
orbital mechanics - Why do geosynchronous satellites appear to ...
Aug 1, 2016 · The inclination varies with time, although this isn't that important for day to day operations. The period is 24 hours, but a geostationary satellite either isn't perfectly circular, or 0 inclined. The orbit you have shown is an elliptical inclined geosynchronous orbit .
artificial satellite - Is the full GPS constellation a Walker Delta ...
Jun 23, 2023 · Note that the actual satellite RAAN values will vary from the nominal values in Table 3.2-1 and Table 3.2-2 due to initial launch dispersion, perturbation forces acting over each satellite's lifetime (particularly the inclination-dependent forces due to the Earth’s geopotential oblateness [J2 term]), and variations in other forces affecting ...
How are orbit insertion changes in altitude and RAAN designed?
Jun 4, 2020 · Assuming that desired inclination is achieved during the launch, how are the target altitude and RAAN usually achieved in satellite missions, if the launch could only place the satellite on a diffe...