Does John Frusciante have fake teeth? - Harmony Central
Apr 23, 2009 · Frusciante checked himself into Las Encinas, a drug rehabilitation clinic in Pasadena to begin a full recovery. Upon his arrival at the clinic, he was diagnosed with a potentially lethal oral infection, which could only be alleviated by removing all of his teeth and replacing them with dentures.
Does John Frusciante have fake teeth? - Harmony Central
Apr 23, 2009 · EDIT: on topic, yes fake teeth. I wouldnt say his voice changed all that much, he just sings better cuase he practices. The way he talks HAS changed a lot, that might be cause of the dentures, but also maybe the drugs made his speech a bit disjointed IMO.
Does John Frusciante have fake teeth? - Harmony Central
Apr 23, 2009 · Does John Frusciante have fake teeth? By EL KABONG April 23, 2009 ...
John Frusciante? - Electric Guitars - Harmony Central
Feb 16, 2012 · Getting a new guitar on friday! just wanted to know if it was close to one of his guitars specs. Well i got a classic series 50's Im looking at geeting this week, so i got a 7.25 neck right there. and one day ill get a classic series 60's too, not cause he plays a guitar similar to it, but im excited to know its close to a guitar that he plays.
Mike McCready & John Frusciante - Harmony Central
Jul 11, 2008 · Both big influences for me as well. Scales tip heavily to John F. for me through based on his insanely underrated solo output. For me, a lot of his solo stuff is even better than RHCP, and I'm a big RHCP fan. Frusciante seems to really understand texture, or at least he understands it in a way that is really meaningful for me.
What kind of speaker cabs does John Frusciante use?
Feb 14, 2008 · Doesnt his Jubilee having matching Jubilee cabinets? I forget which Marshall cabs he has under his Major...
John Frusciante Pedal Board Pics request... - Harmony Central
May 20, 2008 · I've got a whole bunch of them and I'll post them here in chronological order: 1988-1992 Boss DS-2 (with level knob missing)
Classic songs that use a Big Muff Pi - Harmony Central
Jun 8, 2008 · Red Hot Chili Peppers - Used on several songs from Stadium Arcadium for the guitar solos, notably "Strip My Mind" and "Wet Sand" by guitarist John Frusciante, also used on several other albums such as Californication and most of his guitar solos on live recordings. Santana - "Hope You're Feeling Better" Slint - "Nosferatu Man"
What 2009 Fender American Strat Special Edition Color?
Aug 11, 2009 · thats a good suggestion but I would be buying on a easy payment play from american musical otherwise I might do that. its between the fiesta red and the surf green for me. The fiesta red reminds me of one of John Frusciante Strats and the surf green is just sexy up against the rosewood fretboard. This is tough
Strip My Mind tone - Effects and Processors - Harmony Central
Oct 23, 2010 · that cd has a few really great songs on it. its too bad they tried to make it a double and diluted it