Original Namco Puckman PCB - Museum of the Game Forums
Jun 7, 2009 · Namco may have supplied Bellfruit with blank Puckman PCBs, and they populated them but without the customs for the reasons stated above. Or they supplied them with complete PCBs, but using the small circuit boards due to a shortage of the customs. The PCB itself is identical in every other respect.
Namco X Capcom (PS2) HD Texture Pack - GBAtemp.net
Jan 26, 2025 · Namco X Capcom (PS2) HD Texture Pack - WIP, full release this month PCSX2 HD texture pack group
Need a history lesson, Namco/Midway | Museum of the Game ...
Feb 26, 2011 · In 1980, Namco gives Midway to be the USA distrubutor for Pac games with Namco's approval. So Pac-Man is released and everything is cool, until General Computer Corp. makes a mod for Pac-Man called Crazy Otto.
Fix Your Evercade Namco Collection Carts For Use On VS
Feb 16, 2022 · Original and fixed Namco carts won't work in a VS console running 2.1.1 or higher unless it is patched with EverPatcherVS (you don't need an EverSD to use the patcher) and if you are patched, this fix is embedded in the console itself. Both Namco carts WILL work in a patched VS - original untouched carts as well as already fixed carts.
Namco es1 turning on and off | Museum of the Game®
May 9, 2022 · Got a non working Namco System ES1 (A2) with Gundam Bonds of the Battlefield. System has green light on outside board and mother board, sits idle like that for a while, then just the psu comes on, no activity from either system fan.
Namco 256 System Repair - Museum of the Game Forums
Jul 30, 2012 · All Namco 2x6 units will boot the dongle first and then the DVD drive. If your system won't boot past the dongle despite it plugged in fully, then it's that Altera chip on the main board (like what happened with 1iblind). Either the chip is dead or there is some interference on those pins, corroded or cracked.
How available are Namco 20 Yr. Reunion PCB's and
Oct 19, 2006 · From a design perspective it doesn't make sense for Namco to copy the original hardware. MAME was ported to processors typically used in embedded systems a long time ago (i.e ARM). I'm not going to say it's easy designing a multi-board but a lot of the heavy lifting has already been done.
Best and Cheapest Replacement Namco System 246/256 DVD Drive?
Mar 24, 2012 · I own a Namco System 246 and 256. My 246 has an Asus dvd-E818A3 and that thing reads everything and loads super fast. Unfortunately those drives are really hard to come by and anytime I have seen one online they call it an Industrial drive and want a fortune for it (sometimes more then it would cost for the whole arcade unit).
Namco Quick & Crash Repair - Museum of the Game Forums
Feb 11, 2019 · Hey guys-- new guy here, just got my first few cabs. I was given a Namco Quick & Crash that's not working, and have been trying to figure out the problem. I looked over all the boards, and everything looked good until I got to the board the light gun is connected to. Previous owner had disassembled it, and now I can see why.
Namco 20 Year Reunion: Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class of 1981
Jan 12, 2023 · Looking for a little help. I picked up a Namco 20 Year Reunion: Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - Class of 1981. Huge Ms. Pac-Man fan. The build is October 2002. It appears to be home use only, almost no wear other than one mark on the Ms. Pac-Man side art. Planning to keep it, just curious on the value of...