Star Sapphire - Baldur's Gate Wiki
Star Sapphire is a precious variation of the sapphire, however is more translucent, with a white star highlighted in its center. A star sapphire has been known to ornament devices which protect against magic.
Hall of Wonders - Baldur's Gate Wiki
The Hall of Wonders is a building in the western district of Baldur's Gate and serves as a museum for all kinds of inventions. One of the containers contains a telescope. The two center display cases contain a Star Sapphire and a Rogue Stone, respectively.
Baldur's Gate Walkthrough | W Baldur's Gate (AR0600) - BGforge
LOOT: Star Sapphire, Rogue Stone. Forthel August and the Temple of Gond. Enter the High House of Wonders AR0131. Forthel will approach you. He wants material for a ballad. Suggest either tales of "beasties" or "gold", options 2 or 4, and you will receive a small sum for your time. Talk to the Priest of Gond.
Is there a point to gems/jewelry :: Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced …
Jul 16, 2015 · Anyway, i will suggest you to keep a rogue stone (to access to the twsisted rune house, see some walkthrough to know where it is), a diamond and a beljuril (to upgrade the horn of Valhalla). If you are planning to play Throne of Baal too, you can also keep: 5 Star Sapphires, 2 King's Tear, 2 rogue stone, 1 diamond, 1 emerald, 1 ruby and 1 sapphire.
Chapter 4: Effecting a Rescue - Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced
Jan 23, 2025 · When the room is cleared, search the chest for four Mithral Tokens, a Star Sapphire and the Gesen Bowstring which you can use when you return to Athkatla. Return to the passageway and go...
Watcher's Keep - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn ... - GameFAQs
Jan 23, 2025 · Search the bookshelves for a Star Sapphire, a Wand of Spell Striking, another Handwritten Note and some magical ammo. The table has more ammo while the desk contains some rare Arrows of...
what stuff to keep? - Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn - GameFAQs
Dec 15, 2009 · Items I usually keep to sell: Gems: Emeralds, star sapphires, rogue stones, king tears, diamonds. You can toss most everything else. Make sure to keep a rogue stone or two at hand, though....
Gems for ToB - Ironworks Gaming Forum
Nov 24, 2001 · you need rogue stones for the quiver and case of plenty and king's tears for the bag of plenty. You also need gems for the Paladin bracers I think, but I forgot which ones. To improve the Cloak of Protection +2 you need scrolls of invisibility and Improved Haste.
Gems « Items - NWN2DB
Star sapphires are less translucent than other sapphires, and appear to have a brilliant white, six-pointed star suspended within them. Star sapphires are rarer and more valuable than normal sapphires. Gems are very popular with adventurers because they are small, portable, and light.
Rogue Stone? :: Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition BGEE general …
Feb 1, 2023 · Rogue stones have incredible uses in BG2. If you are playing some conversion where you can transfer this item with you, it is an important component. What incredible uses do they provide besides 2 Cespenar recepis and opening the door in the Bridge District?