How to Set-up and Use a Core Orientation Device (Rocket Launcher)
Find out how to use a core orientation device and when to use a rocket launcher over a protractor (and vice-versa) in measuring structures of oriented core
Discoverer® Rocket Launcher | Core Orientation Device
Use the Rocket Launcher to set up your core in the same situation as it was underground. Allows easier measurement of structures during core orientation.
Measuring Structures in Oriented Core - Roger Marjoribanks
Oct 19, 2013 · There are two ways of measuring structures in oriented diamond drill core. The first is to set up the core in a core frame (often called a “rocket launcher”) so that it lies in the same orientation as it did when it was in the ground; the structures within the core are then measured using a geologists’ compass – just as a structure ...
Taking the Plunge – The Core Orientation Tool - Rox Resources
An unassuming yet powerful tool, the Rocket Launcher re-orientates diamond core so that it is set up in-situ – positioned in the same orientation as it was when it was in the ground. This allows geologists to take strike and dip measurements on core in the same way that they can be taken on outcropping during traditional geological mapping.
Core Frames (aka “rocket launchers”) present structure s in drill core in their original orientation so that they can be measured directly with a geologist’s compass in exactly the same way as they would be measured in a surface outcrop.
Practical Exploration Geology II - Drill Core Orientation
Oct 2, 2015 · The Rocket Launcher recreates the position of the core in drill hole, with identical azimuth and dip. The project geologists then continue the logging by recording a detailed description of rock lithology, alteration and mineralisation.
Discoverer® Products | Core Trays & Geological Supplies
All the Discoverer® geological supplies you need for a seamless core logging workflow, from core photography to orientation, from cutting to storage.
Core Orientation
Get precise readings and results while saving time during core orientation and analysis. Rocket Launcher Set up your core in the same orientation as it was underground for easier and more precise measurements of core structures.
Core Orientation Device | SKU 1125-00032 - Westernex Australia
Designed to hold drill core in the same orientation as it was in situ so that all relevant structures can be measured and correctly recorded. The jig is made of jarrah with brass and aluminium fittings, no ferrous metal used. An orienteering compass is fitted to the jig to assist in fixing the correct azimuth of the core being measured.
(PDF) Oriented Core Measurements Procedures - ResearchGate
Mar 15, 2013 · This procedure is designed to ensure valuable geological information can be derived from oriented core measurement of geological domains to unravel the tectonic evolutionary history when...