Studies have long shown the link between feedback and performance. But feedback brings its own challenges and is sometimes met with apprehension... Discovery Full Circle is the answer. A safe and ...
Imagine that your organisation has just initiated a re-organisation. You know you will have a job in the new organisation, but you will have a new manager, most of your team members will be new, and ...
Change initiatives rarely fail because of poor strategies, they fail because people are overlooked. Despite numerous studies showing a 70% failure rate in change efforts, organisations often focus on ...
To begin the journey towards developing a strong team, ask yourself these questions: Where does the team stand now? Where does the team want to go? How is the team going to get there? Getting to know ...
Over the last couple of years, the pandemic has triggered drastic changes for almost all organisations around the world, bringing change leadership into the spotlight in a way that it hasn’t been ...
As AI adoption races past the tipping point, empowering some and disrupting others, we are starkly reminded that even technology must begin with people. Machines will never be leaders, but leaders can ...
Wertsteigerung durch breitere Anwendungs- möglichkeiten: Durch bessere Selbstreflexion und die Durch das Verständnis der Farbenergien entwickelst du innovative Lösungen für die größten ...