Jesus said (John 3:19-21 ESV): And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather… ...
Jesus said (John 3:19-21 ESV): And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does ...
Life-long Lutherans come to church each Sunday, open the hymnal to the right page, and are ready to worship. But a visitor coming in for the first time may find the order of service confusing and ...
Welcome to the Membersip Information page. Since membership is confidential (you don't want just anyone being able to obtain the information we have on you), this system is set up where you enter your ...
“Ever New and Greater Light and Devotion” is the theme for this year’s Steadfast Lutherans Advent series. The series will focus on the purpose of the first three chief parts of the Small Catechism: ...
This Steadfast Press devotion for Advent (2023) is on the topic of Christ in the Old Testament. Using the titles of “Angel of the LORD”, “Name of the LORD”, “Word of the LORD”, and “Glory of the LORD” ...
Advent is considered a penitential season for Christians. The prophet Malachi was a preacher of repentance prior to our Lord’s birth. Malachi deal especially with issues of worship, marriage, and ...
“Come and See” is the 2022 Advent Devotional from Steadfast Lutherans. It focuses on the teaching of how we come and see Jesus, and also provides encouragement to invite others to church but also ...
The sixth in a series on the Small Catechism, “Given and Shed for You” is a Lenten Devotion on the Lord’s Supper. For each of the Days of Lent and the Sundays in Lent there are lessons from Scripture ...
A Lenten devotion on the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Use the season of Lent to dive deep into the fountain of Scripture to learn about Holy Baptism. Readers will gain the pure teaching of what baptism ...
For Advent 2019 are choosing the texts around Advent and Christmas to focus upon marriage, husbands, and wives. St. Paul tells us that marriage is about Christ and His Church and this is a profound ...