An October 8 stabbing outside an elementary school in Guangzhou, in which two nine-year-old students and an adult woman were injured, has drawn renewed attention to the phenomenon of indiscriminate ...
Three years after the Chinese government’s cautiously supportive stance toward the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan led to Chinese netizens blasting their government for being “Taliban in spirit,” ...
洛阳警方传唤曾武律师的理由是:曾武等辩护人发现该法院法庭内安装了信号屏蔽器,当庭向法庭提出异议。休庭期间,曾武等人又看到律师休息区和洗手间内也安装了屏蔽器。在关掉第二个屏蔽器的时候,曾武不慎将屏蔽器碰掉,洛阳中院诉讼服务中心随即报警称曾武故意损毁财物 ...
Several recent reports and articles highlight the experience of those in China who seek to leave the country in search of better opportunities or greater freedom abroad. On Wednesday, the Pew Research ...
In a two-part podcast interview with The Economist’s Drum Tower, former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig has described the “nightmare Groundhog Day” of his 1,019-day detention in China. Kovrig was one ...
In December 2023, we published a revised edition of the Lexicon as an eBook, which includes updated entries for 104 of the most salient terms we have collected over the past 20 years. Please ...
38年前的今天——1986年10月9日,台湾新闻局证实,蒋经国于前一天接受《华盛顿邮报》董事长及《华盛顿邮报》和《新闻周刊》两名编辑的访问,表示国民党当局将提议解除已在台湾实施37年的“戒严令”。这一决定非同寻常 ...
如果说,一两个意见箱被安装在监控摄像头之下,相关方面还可以辩解是不小心,是考虑不周,是无心之失。但如此多意见箱都被摄像头死死盯着,恐怕这种解释就说不通了。意见箱本来是用来监督的,但对“意见箱”进行“监控”,则成了对监督的一种反制,让监督形同虚设。这, ...