Following Donald Trump’s executive order for “enhanced vetting” in security screenings, U.S. border officials are empowered ...
Former President Joe Biden practically dismantled the U.S. Border Patrol during his four years in office, forcing President ...
Construction crews are filling seven “vulnerable gaps” in the border wall system, according to Customs and Border Protection.
A U.S. citizen was arrested for attempting to smuggle nearly 115 pounds of methamphetamine into the country from Mexico.
Agents had barred a French researcher from entering the country following messages criticizing President Donald Trump.
El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents continue to work on keeping drugs off the streets by seizing nearly 115 pounds of ...
U.S. Border Patrol agents, with local law enforcement support, arrested seven undocumented immigrants with criminal records ...
U.S. troops will not conduct law enforcement activities and Customs and Border Protection agents will be “on-hand or nearby” ...
It's been announced that the Border Patrol has stopped a smuggling scheme, resulting in the arrest of multiple people.
Spiraling wire enveloped in spikes that can easily cut into your skin now covers the top and bottom of San Diego’s border ...
U.S. Border Patrol agents in Nogales arrested three Mexican citizens who attempted to flee from agents near Interstate 19 ...
Soldiers from Fort Carson have been cleared to transport Customs and Border Patrol agents while they assist with ...