The bald eagle is now officially the national bird of the US, after President Joe Biden signed a law on Christmas Eve bestowing the honour upon the white-headed and yellow-beaked bird of prey.
Just months after a rare yellow Northern Cardinal was photographed in a St. Louis resident's backyard, homeowners in ...
Boyd disappeared during the spring of 2014. One of the places he was last reportedly seen was Douglas Place, East Grand Forks ...
One of the most common winter sparrows, the white-crowned typically occurs in flocks, which may involve more than 100 birds ... prominent white throat, and yellow supraloral.
The bridled white-eye's plumage is otherwise yellow, and each bird has a yellowish-orange bill, legs, and feet. Rota bridled white-eyes are considered gregarious and are often observed in small groups ...
Monotypic. Length 5.5". The bright yellow spectacles, throat, and breast of this vireo are distinctive. Its wings are dark gray, with 2 bold, white wing bars. The crown and back are olive ...