The white bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) stands out with its large leaves and exotic flower. It grows in a clumping ...
In wooded areas across Australia, tree hollows house the nests of some of the most elusive and adorable baby birds. Spotting ...
The bridled white-eye's plumage is otherwise yellow, and each bird has a yellowish-orange bill, legs, and feet. Rota bridled white-eyes are considered gregarious and are often observed in small groups ...
On perched bird, wing patch shows only as a thin white line along the leading edge ... bill black; and feet bright red. Adult female: similar to male. Juvenile: paler on the head; narrow pale ...
s high-alpine environment. The white-tailed ptarmigan also exhibits feathers on its feet that serve as a sort of snowshoe. Male and female birds can be distinguished from each other during the summer ...