Countless asteroids in our solar system, some close, some far — but did you know that some of these space rocks have names?
YR4 became the highest-rated asteroid predicted to strike Earth, and although predictions for impact have lowered, not enough is being done to track it, says local astronomer.
One million alien visitors from another star system could already be lurking in the solar system. We aren't talking about ...
It's a new type of three-body problem for astronomers, who used the Hubble Space Telescope to determine that twin asteroids ...
Alpha Centauri asteroids may be scattered in the Oort Cloud Some interstellar rocks could travel into the inner solar system ...
DU2, measuring 160 feet wide and travelling at 62,650 km/h, will pass Earth on March 6 at a safe distance of 542,000 km.
While this may not seem like much, it was one of the highest-risk asteroids on record, prompting astronomers to scramble to gather more precise data before it faded into the sun. At approximately ...
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered that a system of asteroids in the distant Kuiper ... of icy space rocks would be just the second example of three gravitationally bound space rocks ...