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Former India wicketkeeper Vijay Dahiya was the UP coach, and a fast bowler in the Delhi nets caught his eye, making him want to move to a position from where he could observe him. After watching ...
Lucknow Super Giants team members and support staff played colourful Holi in Lucknow and got soaked in the festivities with ...
Panipat: The total voting percentage in Panipat civic body elections was merely 50.1%, with only 2,06,128 of the total ...
Gautam bhaiya’s words stayed with me. He and Vijay Dahiya (former coach at LSG) had clearly told me that I would get my first game after one or two years. When the opportunity came this year ...
He currently serves as the head coach of MI Emirates in International League T20. 3. Vijay Dahiya Vijay Dahiya was a former ...
New Delhi, Oct 26 (PTI) Vijay Dahiya has known Gautam Gambhir for over two decades while navigating the choppy waters of ...
Vijay Dahiya and Devang Gandhi had a divergent view on this issue and reckoned that India should not go back to Pujara having clearly indicated over the last 12 months that they have moved on from ...