MPs have taken the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) to task for involvement in civilian projects while pushing its core mandate to the back burner.The lawmakers cautioned that distracting engagements could ...
The State of Qatar has reffirmedthat its approach to combating terrorism is based on prevention and addressing the root ...
A blog by Dr. Benjamin Kwasi Addom, Adviser, Agriculture & Fisheries Trade Policy, Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda, ...
The development plan will modernize One and Two United Nations Plaza—built in the 1970s and 80s—while consolidating its ...
The panellists agreed that closing the digital divide was critical for Africa to fully leverage carbon market opportunities.
In 2017, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) tasked its Working Group with exploring reforms to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system.
Focusing on driving efforts towards renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, and supporting countries in transitioning towards sustainable economic models ...
The means and conditions for achieving this should be guided by, though not necessarily limited to, attaining the minimum human rights standards articulated in the United Nations ... of the Assembly ...
As private sector donations increase, the 21 African countries still not contributing to the fund must pay up.
As private sector donations increase, the 21 African countries still not contributing to the fund must pay up.
Some organizations are hit by both the pause on foreign aid and the order called the Global Gag Rule that prohibits ...