Republican state attorneys general have declared their continued support for a landmark civil rights law that protects ...
SAD 51 Superintendent Jeffrey Porter said all students deserve 'unconditional support' in the wake of a track athlete whose ...
The Trump administration announced it has launched an investigation into whether schools in Maine are violating federal law ...
The lawsuit claims the retailer’s LGBTQ PRIDE campaign hurt the state’s retirement fund, which owns Target stock.
As congressional Republicans look to slash government spending by more than $1 trillion, Colorado health care and political ...
Everything to know about the First Son, suitcase enthusiast, and purported brains behind Donald Trump’s bro-podcast strategy.
The folks now running our country believe the wrong side won the Second World War and are determined after all this time to ...
When The Youngest Child Meets Donald Trump. Subscribe or Fortnite Kid will crank 90s on you! <a href=" 👋 Hey, I'm Hew Moran!
The Trump administration has fired about 1,000 newly hired National Park Service employees who maintain and clean parks, ...
If the Taliban takes his parents and three sisters, he’ll return to Afghanistan and surrender. That way, at least, they will ...
A frequent guest on Fox News and other conservative media, Chad Bianco endeared himself to the right with his open defiance ...
ATLANTA (AP) — Two months of recalculating made little difference in a list of Georgia’s lowest performing schools, meaning ...