After some Amazon reviews of a major brand’s sugar-free gummy bears went viral for all the wrong reasons, the product was discontinued entirely. Reactions producer Andrew dives into the science ...
There's also sugar-free Jell-O if you're avoiding sugar but still want to enjoy a fruity gummy bear. Silicone molds ensure that the gummy bears will easily pop out of their molds, but you can ...
And the sugar-free varieties, the ones that won't rot your teeth or give you diabetes? They're likely to rot your gut. There are simply some foods that will never be healthful. Gummy bears are one ...
This month southern California brand KushyPunch changed that with the launch of its first sugar-free cannabis gummy, which happens to also be the first sugar-free cannabis gummy on the market.
Haribo's sugar-free gummy bears have a solid, three-star rating on Amazon. But as Michael Rusch at Buzzfeed points out, the negative reviews are terrifying enough to keep customers away forever.
We have some interesting new details on Bungie’s upcoming game Gummy Bears. In Gummy Bears, your percentage damage goes up depending on how much damage you have received. But the percentage can ...