While most consideration given to SAI assumes a global intervention, this paper considers an alternative scenario whereby SAI might be deployed only in the subpolar regions. Subpolar deployment would ...
The University of Exeter-led project, Advanced Tipping Point Early Warning (AdvanTip), will focus on the Atlantic Subpolar Gyre, an ocean current system that some climate simulations predict could tip ...
The AMOC consists of two main components: a warm and salty flow of water travels northwards through the upper layers of the Atlantic Ocean before sinking to the deep ocean in the subpolar North ...
As the Company’s non-profit plastics research and advocacy partner since 2019, 5 Gyres and Grove Co. collaborated on a collection that celebrates the beauty and power of our world’s oceans ...
The funds will be utilised to deploy autonomous profiling floats to gather data on ocean mixing within the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre. This region plays a significant role in global ocean ...
These robots are engineered to glide through the water column and deliver near real-time observations in rapidly changing regions of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre. With a rich legacy of pioneering ...
Scientists at the UK’s National Oceanography Center (NOC) are to lead critical research into forecasting a significant climate tipping point – the potential collapse of the Atlantic Subpolar Gyre.
His expertise in reconstructing past oceanic and climate conditions will help refine early warning systems for major climate shifts, including those related to the Greenland Ice Sheet and North ...