Suporteri ai echipei nationale de baschet a Romaniei au aprins, marti, un steag al Ungariei pe platoul din fata Salii Polivalente Cluj-Napoca si s-au intors cu spatele in timpul intonarii imnului ...
Alesii judeteni au aprobat marti, 21 iunie, cu prilejul unei sedinte ordinare de lucru, modelul de steag al Judetului Mures. "Avand in vedere faptul ca Judetul Mures nu are aprobat un steag propriu, a ...
At least three people were injured on Wednesday afternoon near the Bielefeld courthouse in Germany, where a court hearing was taking place regarding the murder of Kosovar boxer Besar Nimani, which ...
The Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Dhaka hosted a grand reception to mark the 17th anniversary of Kosovo's independence, bringing together distinguished guests, diplomats, government officials, ...
To make a direct call to Kosovo From Fiji, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Kosovo mobile or land line from Fiji. To call Kosovo ...
Kosovo faces a complicated political period as parties wait for the Central Election Commission, CEC, to complete the vote count before they explore the options about the next government.
Și am explicat astăzi că orice apariție a forțelor armate din țările NATO sub vreun steag, sub steagul european sau sub steaguri, nu schimbă nimic. Este, desigur, complet inacceptabil”. - G4Media nu a ...
Sebastian Burduja, întrebat dacă gazul din importuri provine din Rusia: Molecula de gaz nu are steag
România, în general, apelează la importuri de gaze în februarie, iar acest gaz vine prin Turcia şi este greu de spus de unde provine, pentru că „molecula de gaz nu are steag”, a declarat, marţi, la ...
The German energy company Steag Power GmbH plans to sell the largest coal-fired power plant in Turkey amid the abandonment of coal-fired fuels in favor of environmentally friendly energy sources. This ...
Rusia se opune desfășurării în Ucraina a unor trupe din țările NATO, chiar și sub steaguri naționale sau ale Uniunii Europene, a declarat șeful diplomației ruse Serghei Lavrov, marți, la finalul ...
Once a symbol of Kosovo’s progress but now dilapidated, Pristina’s Grand Hotel is a sad testament to the disastrous effects of corruption, ownership battles and failed privatisation.
(Bloomberg) — German utility Steag Power GmbH is looking to sell its biggest coal-fired plant, as it phases out burning the dirtiest fossil fuel, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
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