I ordered some essential oils to add to my homemade deodorant, and it occurred to me that I had never discussed essential oils before.I’ve also been asked about whole grains. Allow me to address this ...
Resistant starches have a deservedly good rep for keeping your gut happy and helping you lose weight, say dietitians. Here’s ...
"Unfortunately, many of my patients that have more sensitive skin find all the whole-body deodorants irritating," said Dr. Jeanine Downie, a dermatologist in Montclair, New Jersey. Common irritants ...
This isn’t just a theoretical concern: In one study, people who used a triclosan-containing antibacterial soap at home were more likely to have skin bacteria resistant both to the germ-killing ...
Unlike digestible starch, which is broken down into glucose (blood sugar), resistant starch travels to the colon. There, gut bacteria ferment it into short-chain fatty acids that support gut health ...
Peritoneal washing (abdominopelvic washing) is a procedure used to diagnose whether certain types of cancer are present in the peritoneal cavity—the space between the membranes that line the abdomen.
For dairy calves, that first feed is usually starter grain, which contains starch. The bacteria that colonize the rumen come from the environment and from feeds the calf eats. As the calf begins to ...
Pseudomonasis a type of bacteria that's commonly found outdoors, such as in soil and water. It can also thrive in moist places indoors. Some types of this germ, especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P.
Each year, most species of bacteria in a Wisconsin lake rapidly evolved, apparently in response to dramatically changing seasons, and then evolved back. Like Bill Murray in the movie "Groundhog ...
You need to clean and sanitize your kitchen sink frequently to get rid of bacteria and germs. Once a week is the bare minimum, and it should always be done immediately after cooking raw meat or ...
But it is far less plentiful in foodstuffs than the appetizing starch of potatoes ... in the chemistry of plant substance who knew that bacteria synthesize cellulose from sugars, he called ...