Magnetism takes center stage as floating motors and levitation tricks create an incredible visual experience. Powerful magnetic forces interact seamlessly, allowing objects to hover and spin with ...
Physicists have achieved a breakthrough in data processing by employing an 'inverse-design' approach. This method allows algorithms to configure a system based on desired functions, bypassing manual ...
Carnegie Mellon University and NVIDIA have teamed up to develop a new training technique that enables humanoid robots to ...
Skyrmions could revolutionize computing, but simulating them in real-time has been a challenge—until now. Researchers have ...
A datacentre in essence delivers connectivity, often connecting multiple people or customers with racks, compute equipment and the rest. Adding quantum compute as part of an overall compute resource ...
By linking theoretical predictions with neutron experiments, researchers have found evidence for quantum spin ice in the material Ce2Sn2O7. Their findings, which may inspire the technology of tomorrow ...
Spin Hall nano-oscillators (SHNOs) are nanoscale spintronic devices that convert direct current into high-frequency microwave ...
Electrons have a hidden feature — spin — that could revolutionize technology. Magnets can control it, but researchers are now ...
The gemstone spinel, known for its vibrant colors resembling gems like rubies and sapphires, has now been shown to be capable ...
The role of electrons and their negative charge in electric current is well established. Electrons also exhibit other ...
Researchers verified the chiral-induced spin selectivity effect, i.e., the influence of chiral molecules on spin, using spintronic analytical techniques.
Researchers have discovered that the gemstone spinel is capable of storing quantum information, making it a viable material ...