Candidate Khemarey "Khem" Khoeun tells Patch why she should be elected as At-Large Trustee for Skokie on April 1.
Ann Tennes, Charles Isho and David “Azi” Lifsics are running for mayor of Skokie in the April 1 Cook County consolidated ...
The Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center will close temporarily this summer for renovations that will take about a ...
In other school board elections, Evanston/Skokie School District 65 currently has 13 candidates running, at last count, according to the Cook County Clerk’s office, which administers suburban ...
SKOKIE, IL — Voters in the village will have ... Last November, a Cook County judge struck down Evanston’s ranked choice voting referendum, finding it "vague, ambiguous, and not self-executing ...
Candidates for Skokie Village Clerk Minal Desai, Naema Abraham and James Johnson debated at a League of Women Voters forum.
The Village of Skokie issued a declaration of emergency Tuesday night. Such a declaration really is the first step in applying for state and county disaster funds, but residents told CBS News ...
Lender’s lawsuit is the latest delay in a series of setbacks for a lodging project meant to enhance the downtown of a ...
Crews have completed repairs after a water main break in Skokie Friday morning left residents and parts of Evanston under a boil order over the weekend. The order has since been lifted ...
Construction on the partially built, 143-room Homewood Suites in the northern suburb has been stalled since mid-2023.
“People have incurred losses. They should share those with the City of Skokie. That’s how we determine the magnitude of the disaster,” Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle adde ...