School districts in tornado-hit cities across the Ozarks have announced plans for opening or closing this week after ...
Officials in West Virginia are assessing the impact of the end of two pandemic-era programs that helped schools and food ...
In a collective, voluntary move, lunch counters and cafeterias at seven Alamo City businesses integrated on March 16, 1960, ...
Certain items found in the produce aisle cost more than you think. Here are the fruits and vegetables with the highest and lowest edible yield.
City Restaurant Week is just around the corner, and how fitting that it coincides with National Nutrition Month. This year’s ...
School districts and food banks across the nation are grappling with the impact of a significant funding cut by the USDA, ...
Every school in Kentucky’s LaRue County provides free breakfast and lunch to any student who wants it. It’s been that way for ...
Proposed federal budget cuts could eliminate free school lunches for tens of thousands of kids in New Jersey. See if your school is impacted here.
Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) has introduced the School Lunch Debt Cancellation Act, legislation aimed at eliminating all ...
Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman is introducing legislation to pay off all outstanding student meal debt. The bill orders the ...
The sad reality is that in schools across New York, children are dealing with food insecurity and inequity among their ...
More than 12 million children could lose access to federally subsidized free school meals if Congress changes program ...