RELATED: Rainbow Six Siege: An Ultimate Guide to the NEW Blackbeard As one new operator is being added in March alongside Operation Prep Phase, the upcoming update may indicate the flow of new ...
These operators deploy a variety of gadgets and rely on operator abilities to neutralize ... Carrying forward from his popular reputation in Rainbow Six Siege, Sledge's main strength, his Tactical ...
Rainbow Six Siege includes a few difficult operators who possess high skill ceilings. Operators like Brava and Alibi require practice to use their gadgets effectively, contributing to their ...
New operator, Rauora, and reputation system debut in Rainbow Six Siege Year 10. Operation Prep Phase introduces Rauora with unique gadgets and rewards based on player ratings. Dynamic matchmaking ...
Rainbow Six Siege Y10S1 could reportedly introduce a new Operator to the game and a new bundle for the community. Additionally, there is a rumor of an upcoming collaboration with a popular ...
Watch the Prep Phase CGI Trailer for Rainbow Six Siege, a tactical first-person shooter developed by Ubisoft. Players can get a tease at the new operator coming to the game with Rauora who has a ...