The former Sewing Bee winner has taken a colourful checked shirt and transformed it into a stylish bag. Annie, who won The Great British Sewing Bee in 2022, after impressing judges Patrick Grant and ...
Black (£184 for 60ml), which includes rare bee venom, and Gold (£370), containing queen bee venom so rare that only 500 pots are made annually. There is a Nettle Venom cream for vegan clients.
The queen bee surrounded by bees. Image by StockSeller via Depositphotos. The queen bee’s primary function is to lay eggs. She is the only fertile female in the colony, capable of laying thousands of ...
A Tasmanian ban on the importation of queen bees from interstate will see local beekeepers increasingly turn to artificial insemination to ensure healthy bee populations. Tasmania's largest ...
Black (£184 for 60ml), which includes African bee venom, and Gold (£370), containing queen bee venom so rare that only 500 pots are made annually. “We limit when you buy it, you’re not ...
As Harry Wong Ka-hon gently ushers bees from a hive on the buzzing streets of Central into a black bag, he is on a delicate rescue mission. After relocating the queen bee, the 35-year-old ...