With 14th February creeping closer, we’ve put together a swoon worthy list of the hottest Valentine’s Day sneakers for 2025.
A BOLD move by canteen operators to enforce plastic-free practices in five Sabah schools initially drew eye-rolls and ...
This affordable, ultra-comfortable hybrid mattress offers more support and longevity than a traditional memory foam bed. But ...
Our brains are increasingly plastic. Minuscule shards and flakes of polymers are surprisingly abundant in brain tissue, a study of postmortem brains shows.
Tiny fragments of plastic are passing the blood-brain barrier and into human brains, and the amount of microplastics in the ...
In 2023, the Oregon legislature passed Senate Bill 543, which bans many uses of polystyrene foam (commonly known by its brand name, Styrofoam) in ...
Mexico's national plastics industry association, Anipac, is engaging with legislators who are planning to ban single-use ...
A new study finds that microplastics and nanoplastics accumulate at higher levels in the brain than in the liver and kidney.
Foaming hand soap can be expensive and generate a lot of plastic waste. But an Instagram hack shows you how to make your own ...
Microplastics, defined as tiny plastic pieces less than five millimeters in size, are linked to serious health conditions such as endocrine disruptions and metabolic disorders. The problem? They're in ...
Scientists in China have developed a biodegradable foam to clean up microplastics, offering hope for our polluted waterways.
The polystyrene in #6 plastic items can be found in many household products, such as drinking cups. Once the polystyrene is ...