Kolhapur: The state planning department has transferred Rs 50 crore to the district administration for the construction of a state-of-the-art convention centre near Rajaram Lake in Kolhapur.
STAUNTON – The city of Staunton is kicking off its comprehensive plan update process with a community stakeholder meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Staunton High School ...
Last year was not a bad one for me. My team at Climate Integrate, a climate policy think tank, expanded. A week spent practicing mindfulness meditation in Bali, Indonesia, enhanced my well-being.
The Olympia Regional Airport is moving forward with an update to its 2013 airport master plan, a process that began in 2021. This multi-year update takes into account significant aviation and ...
A popular talking point from Mara and Schoen was their confidence in the “plan” and “process.” Unfortunately, neither articulated what the plan is. One thing is certain, the plan has ...
Work on the lengthy CRMP process got underway in late 2017 and the plan, along with an environmental assessment, was expected to be released for public comment in early 2020, followed by a final ...