Look to the sky Friday night for the rare chance to see seven planets lined up. The big picture: Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, ...
An international team of scientists has experimentally observed an unusual form of ice that could naturally occur on distant exoplanets and icy moons. Known as plastic Ice VII, this phase of water had ...
Don't put your binoculars away just yet, the planet parade continues through February. Here's which planets will be visible this month.
Scientists have found a new form of water, called "plastic ice VII," that could possibly exist on other planets. This unusual ...
Whenever planets are visible in the night sky, they always appear roughly along the same line. This path, known as the ...
On Feb. 28, the one-day-old moon will pass in front of Mercury for observers in Australia and the south Pacific, and on March 1 the moon will make a close pass to Venus.
High-pressure experiments generated the first direct observation of plastic ice, which has qualities of both crystalline ice and liquid water.
The four planet-strong "planet parade" currently visible to the naked eye in the night sky for a short time after sunset will peak this weekend as Venus reaches its ...