She carries a large weapon and is, according to developer ... I think that's where it gets interesting." The Order: 1886 looks like it's going for the PlayStation next-gen high-concept cover ...
The Order: 1886 has been on my radar for many moons thanks ... I do appreciate its science-fueled Victorian twist on weapons. Many of them are given to you by Nikola Tesla – a very real inventor ...
Though the studio’s God of War titles and Daxter are all much loved, The Order: 1886 cut its way into the hearts of many a PlayStation fan who gave it a shot. It wasn’t a perfect game ...
It may a bit too much like a movie, but The Order: 1886 is a charming one-off for PlayStation's cinematic brand. Since 2006, PlayStation has prided itself on big, cinematic first-party titles that ...
Sony allegedly turned down a sequel to PlayStation 4 game The Order: 1886 due to its poor critical reception, the co-founder of developer Ready at Dawn has said. Andrea Pessino told MinnMax that ...