Several bills directing state education dollars outside of North Dakota's public schools inched through committee hearings this week, as lawmakers push to open the state to school choice. School ...
A bill debated Friday would give North Dakota lawmakers immunity from conflict-of-interest crimes if they disclose potential ...
North Dakota legislators in the House voted to remove state funding for public broadcasting on Monday, going against ...
When parole and probation officers have to try to collect fees from people on supervised release, “it puts both parties in a ...
Proponents of House Bill 1247 say students who survive sexual assault should not have to learn under the same roof as the ...
Lawmakers are deliberating a bill that would redefine what a human being is under a series of state laws, opening the ...
Rep. Eric Murphy, R-Grand Forks, speaks on the House floor before a vote to reconsider his bill on public charter schools on ...
Two bills that would prohibit and criminalize the production and possession of sexually explicit deepfakes passed on the ...
By Scout Nelson Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring says that House Bill 2150 only makes minor changes to North Dakota’s ...
According to supporters of the bill, there is a growing interest in ending “spring forward” and “fall back” time rules every ...
A crowd listens to Ginna Cross, an out-of-state anti-abortion advocate, testify in favor of a bill to define a human being to ...
House Bill 1319 would require the State Investment Board to maintain a website containing information regarding all Legacy Fund investments.