Leadership of the U.S. Air Force and Navy have recently pitched to President Donald Trump their future fighter plans, as the ...
Discover the inspiring journey of Sunita Williams, an American astronaut and former U.S. Navy officer. Learn about her ...
Sunita Williams’ academic and professional journey began in Needham High School, where she graduated in 1983. Driven by a ...
Born on September 19, 1965, in Euclid, Ohio to Dr Deepak and Bonnie Pandya, Sunita Williams’ journey to becoming one of ...
The NAS Oceana's Capt. Appezzato announced that the air show will take place in September, celebrating the 250th Anniversary ...
A pair of bills that would end tenure and ban diversity, equity and inclusion in Nebraska colleges and universities heard ...
New Aircraft Carriers Spark Chinese Naval Aviation Transformation is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive critical ...
Learn how about WEXMAC 2.0 aims to simplify procurement processes and improve logistical support for joint forces and federal agencies.
The U.S. military is searching for ways to track and stop drone swarms flying over sensitive national security sites.
Freedom Shield 25 is focused on combined operations in a join all-domain environment, demonstrating the readiness of U.S. and ...
Once complete, the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum will showcase more than 40 aircraft from military history.