Deep within Earth’s mantle lie two enormous regions, often referred to as "islands," which are the size of continents.
Conquer the Summit of Mount Everest Reaching the peak of Mount Everest, the world's highest mountain, is on the bucket list ...
On top of the unbearable temperature, the volcanic landscape is home to lava lakes, sulfur springs, and volatile geysers — ...
According to Glacier Himalaya Treks and Expedition, a private group of experienced mountaineers that offers tours, the permit ...
The amateur mountaineers will pay over $150,000 per head to climb to the roof of the planet, given over to the promises of ...
Climbing techniques have evolved over centuries, often creating controversy and debate. The use of acclimatization methods to expedite expeditions lies at the c ...
Two hidden mountains, more than 100 times larger than Mount Everest have been discovered deep underground. The two ‘islands ...
At just 17, Kaamya Karthikeyan has made history by scaling the highest peaks on all seven continents, including Mount Everest ...
After more than a year of rehabilitation, he learned to walk again and went on to climb the world's highest peak.
Climbing to the top of Mount Everest is at the top of any adventurer's bucket list - but research suggests it might not ...
Nepal has increased the permit price after nearly a decade by 36 per cent from $11000 (about Rs 9L) to $15000 (about Rs 13L).
The Nepali government has significantly increased climbing permit fees for Mount Everest or Mount Qomolangma, an official ...