Watch the thrilling showdown between monster magnets and intricate magnetic sculptures in mesmerizing slow motion. Experience the raw power of magnetic forces as they collide, twist, and reshape in an ...
Cricket frogs were once thought to hop on the water’s surface. They actually leap in and out of the water in a form of locomotion called porpoising.
Ever since Isaac Newton famously talked about gravity, its dominance as a force in our solar system has been well known. It's ...
A Wright Lab experiment capitalizes on simple physics to produce a groundbreaking technique to detect particle decay.
In an extraordinary leap forward for quantum technology, physicists have successfully transformed a quantum computer into a ...
A recent study explores the physics behind George R. R. Martin's "Wild Cards" alien virus, blending science with science ...
On 4 August 2024, the great physicist Tsung-Dao Lee (also known as T D Lee) passed away at his home in San Francisco, aged 97 ...