Maybe it’s time we found out where this money is going. When the article mentions the “system” and “available services,” just exactly what are those things? No doubt shelters are ...
Where is the money going? Let’s look at some numbers ... If you are sending a Letter To the Editor, please be sure to follow these rules: Letters have a firm 200-word limit and will be edited ...
The superintendent of the Sequim School District, who has the same base pay as the vice president of the United States, more than half of what the president makes, wants more money for school ...
Re: "Blood money no reason to cheer," Jan. 22: While I understand Daniel Shramo's yearning for peace, his criticism of Ohio's support for Anduril's manufacture of military drones is a bit misguided.
Politicians often use fancy language to make their policies sound better than they really are. Take the Patriot Act or Citizens United, for example – one reduced privacy rights, and the other ...
I encourage our state legislators to listen to their constituents: don’t funnel public money to private schools. Build up our public institutions and invest in the future of North Dakota by ...
Write us: We welcome letters up to 150 words, and guest columns of 500-600 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name, address and daytime phone number.
Here’s a novel idea: Instead of bankrolling President-elect Donald Trump and essentially buying the U.S. presidency, how about Elon Musk and his “money brothers” write a check to those ...
Smathers didn't say "if," he said "when" we move. Sounds very much like the move to the money pit is a done deal. I certainly hope not. Because, for the library, or City Hall, or any department to ...
This was “funding” — free money — never to be paid back ... We'd rather you just break the law | Letters Mexican flag-waving protesters are turning everyone against them | Opinion Want ...
When will we Canadians finally see the light? Simply throwing money at a problem has never and will never resolve any issue under any circumstances. We’ve been throwing money at healthcare ...
The invention of the letter, as a means of conveying news and other kinds of information, is often attributed to a Persian queen, Atossa, who reigned 2,500 years ago. But none of her ...