The Miocene is even named using the Greek words for “less” and “new.” In the oceans, molluscs and crocodilians radiated into diverse new forms. Continents were arranged quite similarly to ...
Our Solar System is in motion and cruises at about 200 kilometres per second relative to the center of the Milky Way.
Earth may have cooled during a close encounter with dense star clouds. Interstellar dust from the Orion region might have shaped our ancient climate.
We begin this discussion of our species' evolution in Africa, near the end of the geological time period known as the Miocene, just before our lineage diverged from that of chimpanzees and bonobos.
14 million year old bee fossil found on the ancient continent of Zealandia ... allowing scientists to reconstruct the ecosystems that thrived in Zealandia during the Miocene period. The specimen, ...
The collection is representative of all continents. Fossil bryozoans from the Miocene of Touraine, France, mounted and annotated by William Lonsdale for the famous geologist Sir Charles Lyell Scanning ...