A wavy (meridional with big dips) jet stream will bring fast changing weather with a mix of warm & cool days often with plenty of wind + some much needed rain at times. And we are at the PEAK of ...
A compilation of short clips and memorable songs for beginners learning French. These clips are taken from the original BBC series, Virtually There. Suitable for: KS2 in England, Wales and ...
An international team of scientists has synchronized key climate records from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to unravel the sequence of events during the last million years before the extinction ...
Argentina's port city of Bahia Blanca has been "destroyed" after being pummeled by a year's worth of rain in a matter of hours, killing 13 and driving hundreds from their homes, authorities said ...
Map: How well (or not) each French area is served by health workers ...
THE latest Marbella-based international drug-trafficking mafia to bite the dust is a Dutch Mocro Mafia-linked gang caught red-handed in a shopping centre car park. The Policia Nacional seized ...