When a pair of hikers fell down a snowy cliff, it took multiple failed attempts to reach them over the course of three days ...
When a pair of hikers fell down a snowy cliff, it took multiple failed attempts to reach them over the course of three days until they were finally airlifted to safety, California rescuers say.
California rescuers say. As the two hikers trekked a ridge line trail on Tahquitz Peak above Idyllwild on Saturday, March 1, they both fell about 800 feet “down a snowy cliff,” according to ...
“In a panic, we were trying to grab the other person and bring them back up, but there were no good foot holds for that so we both ended up falling down the icy slope ridge.” Lin said she was ...
Due the remote location of the accident and bad weather, it took rescuers three days to reach the victims and hoist them to ...
Riverside County sheriff's deputies and firefighters completed a three-day effort this week to rescue a man and woman who ... approximately 800 feet down a snowy cliff from a ridge line trail ...
However, the two fractures to the back of the head were not consistent with the fall down the cliff and were “entirely consistent” with having been caused by a bloody rock found by gardai at ...