Miksi taas kerran pitää puhua HIFK:n loukkaantumisista? MTV Urheilun liigastudiossa pureuduttiin sangen hämmentävään ...
Ässien päävalmentaja Jarno Pikkarainen ehti jo julistaa Lukon lähes varmaksi mestariksi. Vaikka Pikkarainen pelasi heitollaan ...
Keskustan Etelä-Pohjanmaan piirin piirihallitus nimesi Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueelle viisi uutta ehdokasta ja ...
Jesse Eisenberg said he decided to drive to Facebook's offices so he could meet Mark Zuckerberg before playing him in "The Social Network." But during the journey, Eisenberg said, a producer told ...
(NEXSTAR) — Actor Jesse Eisenberg, who famously portrayed Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, says he thinks the tech billionaire should focus on improving the world instead of ...
Jesse Eisenberg portrayed Mark Zuckerberg in the 2010 film “The Social Network,” so it made sense to him that he should meet the Facebook founder in person as he was preparing for the role ...