March 3, the fourth day of Ramadan, was also the day Farhan Memon from CAIR said two Islamic students were targeted for their beliefs.
Rose Hijab is a family-run hijab business that sells affordable and quality veils for women who cover their hair, starting with the owner's daughters.
In this nostalgic and fascinating book, Julie Satow, author of The Plaza, writes about the golden age of three now-vanished ...
Iranian officials have flogged a popular singer who posted a song online urging women to remove their mandatory headscarves ...
Mehdi Yarrahi, a popular Iranian musician, was arrested in a 2023 crackdown after releasing a song that praised women who ...
Seeking balance between religion and comfort while playing basketball, Kiandra Browne realized there was a need for better ...
Lillian Shafer, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shafer, was discovered attempting to pass some forged checks at the ...