The old growth forests of Western North Carolina took a beating from Hurricane Helene. Now they've lost a bid for federal protection. This worries advocates that the forests could soon vanish.
IF YOU'RE IN need of some reliable outdoor gear to get you through the ... That means you can score up to 40% off Patagonia gear right now. We've helped you out below to get a head start on ...
Fallen trees are still peppering a string of suburbs in Brisbane’s south-east in the aftermath of a sudden, intense storm on Thursday, with clean-up works expected to continue into the weekend.
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for parts of the state, with snow up to 6 inches. More The NWS also issued a winter weather advisory on Thursday for Mercer ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. — When Hurricane Helene passed through South ... South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has been in clean-up mode across the state, hauling off more than 3 million ...
A Fourth Wing fan has told fans of the bestselling fantasy series to read another hidden gem romantasy ... January 21. Onyx Storm will pick up where the second book, Iron Flame, left off, with ...
Emergency services have continued to respond to more than 200 calls for help after Canberra was swept up in a huge storm that damaged houses, cars and streets. Large hail pummelled the ACT as ...
which had been heavily impacted by an earlier storm, requiring chainsaws. Firefighters needed to remove the rear door of the vehicle to allow NSW Ambulance paramedics to access the injured. To assist ...
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10 Runners-Up: 10 runners-up will receive a year's supply of Hidden Valley Ranch and a Pizza Hut pizza to create your own signature moments. "Pizza Hut is always looking for innovative ways to ...