It's commonly thought that sperm "race" to the egg, with the winner fertilizing it. But is this really the case?
Our Smart Shopper team is tracking prices and we have seen the cost of a dozen large eggs double in some Valley stores over ...
America is obsessed with egg prices, but do we really know why they're so important? Here's a taster: one 52-gram egg contains 74 kilocalories, 5.2 grams in fat (only 1.7 grams of which are saturated) ...
Whether you eat eggs on rare occasions or buy them multiple times a week, you've likely seen some record-high prices. The national average for a dozen eggs was $4.95 at the end of January, and the ...
Flamingos (like penguins) are monogamous birds. The females lay only a single egg each year, if anything happens to that egg which results in it no hatching, flamingos don’t typically lay a ...
In honor of his birthday, here are five things that you might not know about Dr. Seuss. Yes that’s right, Dr. Seuss wasn’t a ...
Create an Easter-inspired treasure hunt by filling eggs with clues and give kids a hand-drawn map that leads to a buried treasure. Not only is the activity fun, it gets kids excited about problem ...
While you can always scatter real or plastic eggs throughout your yard or home and call it a day, here are other fun ways to embrace bunny season. Come up with enough awards for your whole crew ...