Artemisia Gentileschi once said, “My illustrious lordship, I’ll show you what a woman can do.” This bold statement documented in Bridget Quinn’s “Broad Strokes” encapsulates the fierce determination o ...
Carpinteria Unified School District fourth and fifth graders presented Women’s History Monologues at Canalino Elementary ...
Celebrate the work and Mexican heritage of Frida Kahlo at the Virginia Museum of Fine Art’s (VMFA) upcoming “¡FridaFest!” event.
Chronic pain deeply influenced Frida Kahlo and Vincent Van Gogh, shaping their art as a reflection of suffering, resilience, ...
To protect thousands of varieties of heirloom corn, Mexican leaders have amended the constitution to ban the planting of ...
To protect thousands of varieties of Mexico's prized heirloom corn, leaders vote to amend the constitution to ban the ...
Richmond artist and instructor Merenda Cecelia was dismissed from VMFA after reading a statement in class advocating for ...
This April, the National Museum of Women in the Arts celebrates four decades of the Guerrilla Girls “making trouble.” ...
As winter turns to spring, Giacomo Puccini's "Madama Butterfly' comes to the Lyric Opera stage from March 14 to April 12, 2026. Cio-Cio-San, or Madama Butterfly, is a geisha in love with Navy Lt. B.F.
Jackie Jo Torrez had a "determination to help other women combat and work through domestic violence," recalled her boss.
Host Traven Rice spoke with founder Mark DeGarmo of Mark DeGarmo Dance, who has been based on the Lower East Side for over 30 years.
Josephine Baker (1906-1975) found fame in France in the 1920s as the American expat who danced in “a mere belt of bananas.” ...