academic motivation theory, and work motivation theories such as expectancy theory and equity theory, to name just a few. Whatever theory one leans towards, it still comes down to explaining what ...
Lambert suggested implementing expectancy theory as a complement to Herzberg’s theory. “[Expectancy theory] attempts to overcome a common criticism of early motivation theories that all employees are ...
Exposure therapy, in which patients gradually face the things and situations they fear, is among the most effective treatments for anxiety disorders, yet it remains underutilized (Pittig, Kotter, & ...
A new paper in Clinical Psychological Science highlights virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) as an effective option and ...
Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 30m people worldwide, mostly the elderly. After the age of 65, the chance of developing ...
ALL of us would like to live a healthy life for as long as possible and many tend to assume that life expectancy is largely ...
Adults diagnosed with ADHD tend to have notably shorter life expectancies, according to a new study from University College ...
Countries with democratic governments and mostly free economies should come together and create a new trade regime, based on balance.
In his book “Why We Die: The Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality,” Venki Ramakrishnan, a winner of the 2009 Nobel ...
The city Health Department issued a new five-year blueprint on Tuesday for improving the economic and lifestyle factors that ...