Foods advertised in National Football League commercials contain an average of nearly 40% of the daily recommended sodium intake, according to a new study. “We proved what probably a lot of ...
The newly unveiled electric scooter uses Yadea’s recently introduced sodium battery technology, offering what the company says is outstanding performance in range, charging speed, and safety.
A thorough analysis of market, technological, and supply chain outcomes for sodium-ion batteries finds that significant advances are needed before commercialization. Legions of battery engineers ...
Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) Kementerian Keuangan melaporkan pada tahu 20204 sebanyak 176 eksportir diblokir kegiatan usahanya lantaran mereka tidak melaksanakan kewajibannya terkait ...
The Kirin Electric Salt Spoon can give your food a salty taste with none of the downsides of the added sodium. It was one of the standout products at CES this year and snagged the spot for the ...
Kirin Holdings Company is electrifying the food scene at the annual CES tech conference in Las Vegas with an innovative gadget that promises to literally shock your taste buds. The Electric Salt ...
Kami sedang sempurnakan supaya ini menjadi bagian dari instrumen penempatan dan pemanfaatan dari DHE SDA yang bisa digunakan para eksportir tentu saja melalui bank," kata Gubernur BI Perry Warjiyo ...
Lebih lanjut, pertimbangan lainnya adalah angka produksi dan konsumsi dalam negeri dari UCO dan residu, serta hak ekspor UCO dan residu yang dimiliki oleh eksportir. "Di luar itu, bagi para eksportir ...
In the field of biomedical nanotechnology, chitosan and alginate —both naturally derived biopolymers — have garnered significant attention due to their ...
Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) Kementerian Keuangan mencatat masih banyak eksportir nakal yang tidak mematuhi kewajiban untuk menyimpan devisa hasil ekspor (DHE) di dalam negeri.