Which are the largest cities in Vermont? And how many cities does this state have? Discover more about the population in ...
Housing Project Approved The housing stock for seniors in Harrisburg may soon grow, as a developer has received the green light on a building project. Harrisburg City Council has approved the ...
Downtown Soul City is proud to present the 2nd Annual Downtown Get Down fundraiser party at Savannah River Brewing Co. in downtown Augusta on Thursday, February 27th ...
Milton City Manager Ed Spears has in his possession a list of five candidates who remain in the running to replace retiring Tony Tindell as Milton's chief of police. Interviews with the five ...
MILTON, Fla. (WKRG) — The City of Milton has a new police chief. According to a news release from the city, Jennifer M. Frank will step into the role in April. City officials said she is the ...
MILTON, Fla. -- The City of Milton has announced Jennifer M. Frank as its next Police Chief. She'll officially step into the role in late April, replacing retiring police chief Tony Tindell.
Moore Hill and Westmoreland, the firm that employs Milton City Attorney Alex Andrade, has requested its contract with the city for legal services be nullified, citing its belief that at its Feb ...
On Thursday, Downtown Soul City hosted its second annual Downtown Get Down at the Savannah River Brewing Company. The local ...
The Milton community’s first provincial election candidates meeting is set, but there is expected to be a notable empty chair. The Downtown Milton Business Improvement Area (DMBIA) is hosting a public ...
MILTON, Ind. — A 57-year-old Cambridge City man died Wednesday at Reid Hospital after an accident in Milton. Deputies found Joseph Peggs about 12:29 p.m. pinned beneath an overturned skid steer ...
Surveys that are an important component in the input process for the city’s new downtown strategic plan will be open for just a few more days. Bonnie Boatwright, project manager for the Downtown ...