ANEMEL researchers have created a catalyst for water splitting that's efficient and stable, without relying on scarce ...
Seven quantum researchers at the University of Waterloo have been awarded more than $1.3 million to advance research in quantum communications and ...
Discover the potential of macrocycles in drug discovery: flexible, cell-permeable molecules targeting undruggable proteins.
An incredible video captured from the International Space Station shows an aurora from above, rippling with the unusual green ...
The northern and southern lights, auroras visible from the poles, glow with a range of different colored lights. Here's the ...
How is matter different from mass? These and other questions about the deepest levels of physics, answered inside.
Often dismissed as the poor cousin of the sciences, chemistry has revealed natural laws that illuminate our Universe ...
A recent study by researchers from Peking University demonstrates the potential of nuclear electric resonance to control the nuclear spins of nitrogen atoms in DNA using electric field gradients, ...
A recent study demonstrates the potential of nuclear electric resonance to control the nuclear spins of nitrogen atoms in DNA ...
As part of the Q-NEXT quantum research center, Randall Goldsmith of the University of Wisconsin–Madison studies the interplay of light and matter, harnessing it for quantum information technologies.
There are striking similarities between how elementary particles come together to form atoms, molecules and eventually various materials and how a family, a village and then a society is established ...