It’s like being dead.’ Two things broke through his isolation. One was his love for his wife. The other was music. He could still sing, play the organ, and conduct a choir with all his old ...
Garden of Dreams Foundation, a charity linked to Madison Square Garden, has spearheaded a $200,000 makeover of the Chelsea ...
The narrow box, simply constructed of wood and lined with sheet metal, offered cures for ... it broadcasts the words and rhythms of pop-music erotica. And constantly, over the intellectual Muzak ...
For the idea of love, biblical Hebrew has precious few synonyms ... Many translators read this passage to mean that Jonathan and David form a covenant, a pact. Jonathan immediately removes ...
(The Conversation) — For the idea of love, biblical Hebrew has precious ... read this passage to mean that Jonathan and David form a covenant, a pact. Jonathan immediately removes his clothing ...
As a religion scholar, however, I believe one of the greatest loves in the Bible is a story of friendship: the intense devotion between the warrior Jonathan and David, who later became king of Israel ...