Trees and greenspace can drive down urban temperatures – but they must be able to draw water from the soil to achieve these ...
By simulating the future atmosphere, scientists hope to understand whether trees will continue to act as the lungs of the ...
If you are looking for a unique state park, head to central Washington for a forest of petrified trees of a species so old ...
"It was unusual at the time to have such a system and it works pretty well," Paul Grogan told BI.
Three Indigenous communities in Peru’s Amazon are no longer engaging in unsustainable or illegal forest activities to make ...
Researchers across the globe, from Australia to the Amazon rainforest, are experimenting on forests in a bid to better understand the role trees play in keeping the Earth cool. Their findings ...
If you suffer from back or shoulder pain, lots of people will recommend latex to you. It has all the properties of memory ...
This spring, Denver residents can enhance their worldview by planting a tree, and not only shade and cool the community ... Participants will help cultivate and grow Denver’s urban forest. Denver Digs ...
RICHMOND — It’s not just New Englanders who think the sugar maple tree is special. When Green Berkshires brought a Minnesota scientist to study a threatened stand of these particular maples in Mount ...
In response, researchers at Penn State are working with the U.S. Forest Service and other partners to identify and develop ash trees genetically ... keeping waterways cool through shade and ...
Retired Department of Natural Resources employee Bill Lockner created a state-shaped forest in northern Minnesota nearly 40 years ago. This photo from 1990 shows the shape shortly after trees were ...