He’s been known to scoop bees by hand into a hive box. “You have to be very gentle and move slowly,” he said. “You don’t want to pinch the bees or they’ll sting.” This year ...
The research team also simulated potential mitigation, placing honey bee hive boxes in cold storage so the bees start to cluster earlier and save workers. For example, in the Richland scenarios ...
(L-R) Antje Rook and Yollande Posthumus created the miniature exhibit A therapist and a social worker have created a miniature community gallery in a beehive box. Antje Rook and Yollande Posthumus ...
Beekeepers, farmers and growers are all concerned about a widespread collapse of bee colonies across the nation. Beekeepers, as of early February, have seen a loss rate of 70-100% of their colonies ov ...